Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Finally got a GI referral for Dylan. I have been hoping and pushing for this for about a month now. I called Dr 2 and told her that since our visit 6 days ago I am still seeing specks of blood in Dylan's stool and she said that she would send out to a referral to GI. She thinks it will be approved in about 2 weeks time. I am very lucky that we are able to have this insurance but I feel like half the time my hands are tied and all that I can do it wait unless I have cash to get these tests done. I am lucky that he is thriving, he is eating well and in the 90th percentile or I would be freaking out even more. I have given up dairy completely and I am frustrated because it isn't working as fast as it I want it to. I am reading that it takes approx 2 weeks to leave your system and another 2 weeks or so before it exits the babies system. I ate In n Out about 2 weeks ago not realizing that even the smallest ammount of dairy can cause Dylan's system to go right back to square one and the healing process would have to start all over again. So it's been 4 weeks... but I can only count 2 of them as dairy free. So in 2 weeks if he is not showing progress than 1.) I am going to be upset and 2.) I will have to eliminate other possible allergens from my diet.

Lincoln is doing really well just being off of dairy. He is still sleeping amazing. He has been sleeping well this entire month though he does wake up occasionally for some rice milk at about 5am or so. I will take that any day over the horrible nights that we used to deal with. I still wonder what else if anything that his system may not tolerate so well. His lymph nodes for the first time since he was a year old have gone from the size of a grape to more of a small marble. I would say that even though it is still there and visible it is half the size and a lot of the other small ones have either dissapeared or shrunk.

Nolan is doing well and hit his first OVER THE FENCE HOMERUN OF A KID PITCHER!!!! I was so upset that I missed it. First game that I decided to take the tired babies home since we had just sat through one of the games Taylor had coached. The day prior we went to Taylor's game and a softball game. I was baseballed out and didn't really feel like wrangling the babies for a 4th game in a 48 hour period. I cried and cried and cried when I heard what he did. I was so proud of him and so mad that I missed it. I could have sat through one more game. I really wish baseball didn't feel like such a chore to me. I just don't think I will ever enjoy it. Too bad for me that if I want to share those moments that Nolan and Taylor are so proud of... I can't miss the games. Nolan was so sweet and offered to give me the ball so I wouldn't be sad. He is such a good kid. :)

Yuck... link needs a diaper change and dylan is hungry!!! Later!! :D

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