Monday, March 14, 2011

sick to my stomach over poop but not in the way you would think...

i knew parenting would be stressful and demanding but never did i think i would actually cry over a poop diaper. dylan's diapers just keep getting worse. tonight as i was changing him i noticed blood in his stool. i dug out a diaper that my color blind huband changed and sure enough it is full of mucus that is bright red. i knew this was coming because in the week and a half that i have not had dairy he hasn't shown too much of an imrovement. i think maybe soy is bothering him too. i spent the morning calling GI's and tryin to see if any in our area are covered by our insurance with a referral. I was able to change pediatricians and that won't take effect until 4-1 and that is 2 1/2 weeks away. this may be able to wait until first thing in the morning but i will not wait until april... no way. i am going to call in the morning since the last dr i changed to seriously blew me off and made me feel like i was crazy for analyzing my kid's stool... i knew it didn't look normal. how bad must his little system be off to actually bleed? If they don't change his dr due to an "emergency" than i guess i work up the courage to walk back into the old peds office and try not to tell her that she is an idiot. PLEASE let them realize that my babies need to see a specialist. This is the same thing i went through with lincoln minus the bleeding. i don't know what else to do. i know something that i am eating is bothering them... and i will figure it out. hoping for a GI appt that gets approved stat. ill let you know how tomorrow goes.


  1. hate to throw this one into the mix too, but grains, especially wheat, can be irritating to the body.
    not saying that's the case, but who knows.
    Also, i can get you a discount on probiotics if you want.
    i wish i had given them to wes regularly to see if they helped him w/ his colic.

  2. Been trying to cut out a few more things since he isn't doing much better and for the past few days it's been lottsa quinoa and lentils. Today he had a diaper that looked better (not good) but probably the best one all month!!!! So excited! Just as long as I can drink choc almond milk I will cut anything else!
