Saturday, March 12, 2011

so much going on...

well... as usual i am busy doing everything and nothing at all. don't judge my spelling or punctuation. lincoln has torn half off the keys off of my keyboard and it is beyond repair. i tried snapping the keys on and some of them did... the rest are in the trash.

so lets go down the list... taylor is coaching and it is keeping him very busy. i find random green and gray baseball clothing all over the house. hanging from kitchen hooks and all over the house. i find trails of dirt in my house from the field in the shape of honey comb all over from the bottom of his turfs. i find lists of things to "fix" with the team along with things they have done well. he is working days and nights and occasionally making up hours along the way. my husband is having an affair with baseball. what's new? it's always been his first love. :) come to think of it, i am the one he is having an affair with. i can't forget that baseball was part of his life long before i came along. he is busy and tired. he is bothered when they lose and happy when they win. i miss him but i must say that his dedication is quite a turn on. i am lucky to have a man that is true to his word. does what he says he will and still makes time for his family. even if that means staying awake to watch Teen Mom and american idol while he is exhausted from a night shift at work, day shift at work, high school baseball, nolan's games and an overly hyper toddler sucking out our energy.

on to the kids... nolan is doing great in school. he is playing another season of baseball and the cat keeps pooping in his room because taylor is too busy to clean the litter. i had some pretty neat ideas for decorating nolan's room but he has taken it upon himself to create a space that he loves. selena gomez, miley cyrus and even the biebs cover his walls along with sports posters and a million stickers that i don't recall saying he can stick to the professionally painted walls but ya know... with 2 little brothers it must be nice for him to have a place he can go to have a little big kid time. now he needs a door so we can keep the little ones out and destroying his legos. and i am sure that will solve the problem with the cat dumping in the corner.

lincoln... oooooh my lincoln. he broke his arm, had a cold and pink eye all in the same week. he is starting to talk quite a bit and one of his favorite phrases is "OHHHH GAWD!". comes complete with an eye roll when you ask him to do something. i have no idea where he got this attitude... certainly not from me. okay well maybe... he is a parrot so i am trying to be a little more careful with what comes out of my mouth. he is a silly kid and i love having him run around the house doing bad things. he makes us laugh about a million times a day.

dylan... my little good boy. he looks like a little old man, he farts louder than i have ever heard a baby fart but his little smile melts my heart. he is so good. only cries for me when he needs something. he is a great sleeper and nurses like a champ. at 2 1/2 months he is already over 15 pounds and in 6-9 months clothes. so sad he is growing up so fast but not sad enough to want another one!

me... hmmmm i am finally able to catch a break after a long week of ear infections, pink eye, colds, fevers and a broken arm. laundry mountain is almost caught up on. i was behind about 15 loads and was actually considering dumping it all out the window rather that actually laundering it, folding it and putting it away. its amazing how many towels and clothing boys go through. i need to get them each their own towel and stress the fact that when you get out of the shower... you should be clean. use your flippen towel more than once and stop leaving wet towels all over the house... sheesh. also... we need to have a lesson on blood. if your nose is bleeding go outside and hover over a bush until it stops... i am done bleaching and scrubbing. a teacher once told me "if it's wet and it's not yours don't touch it." well that doesn't apply when you are a mom. anyway i got to sneak out of the house childless for an hour last night. i bought myself 3 new shirts and a rug for the downstairs. i would love to say that this a a pretty rug that is soft and cozy to step on but its rough and pokey in hopes that it will catch some of the dirt that gets trailed in from the garage. i got contacts yesterday for the first time in about 4 years. i can see and it's amazing. i feel like a rich person. ha... i have been squinting for a long time. headaches because of vision are not fun. i will be able to drive at night without worrying about crashing into something because i can SEE the center divider. i can even see leaves on trees!!! aaaamazing. i love it. :)

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